Snorkeling and Scuba Diving
The Coral Dreams Dive Shop on Contadora offers diving and snorkeling tours, and rents tanks and gear to PADI-certified divers. They can also teach beginners how to scuba dive. Guillermo can arrange to have the dive boat come pick you up at the dock here on Saboga, or at the beach in front of the […]
Published on: March 24, 2018 - Filed under: Activities
Get a Relaxing Massage…
If you are here… it’s time… to take time… Physical contact is important for human welfare, especially in today’s world. The pressures of daily life lead to tension and stress. The massage is the natural way to ease tensions and re-balance the body and mind. Yajaira Martin, graduate of the Institute body ans soul psychotherapies […]
Published on: February 2, 2018 - Filed under: Activities
See the Wreck of the Sub Marine Explorer
Hire a panga to take you to Isla San Telmo at low tide, where you can see the wreck of the world’s first commercial submarine. Long thought to be the wreck of a WW2 Japanese submarine, it wasn’t until scientists examined it that they realized it was much older than that.
Published on: January 31, 2018 - Filed under: Activities
Fishing and Island Hopping
Donec feugiat purus eget nunc vehicula, quis maximus mauris rhoncus. Praesent felis urna, interdum rhoncus purus id, venenatis laoreet nunc. Morbi venenatis enim vel lorem ornare, id congue nisl tempus. Fusce velit ex, sagittis vel aliquam et, iaculis ut dolor. Integer et pharetra magna, sit amet efficitur risus. Duis at malesuada lorem. Nam ipsum augue, mattis a risus ut, pellentesque commodo elit. Etiam sed pulvinar arcu, ultrices scelerisque enim.
Lit up Adomus city viewed from the sky
Published on: January 21, 2018 - Filed under: Activities
Sailing Club Panama
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet nisi vehicula, posuere ipsum quis, dapibus dui. Nulla scelerisque turpis nec nisi commodo, ac malesuada neque malesuada. Fusce vitae magna convallis, pulvinar nulla quis, sollicitudin eros. Duis vel dolor tincidunt, ultricies eros in, ultricies leo. Phasellus at volutpat nisi. Nam metus dui, lacinia id elit at, finibus pulvinar orci. Duis cursus ante mollis est tempor efficitur.
Nice walkaway along the bay
Published on: January 21, 2018 - Filed under: Activities
- Activities (5)